Thursday, January 20, 2005

New NetBeans Platform Tutorial

I've finished my entry for the netbeans tutorial contest. Of course, they then extended the deadline. However, they've allowed me to post it anyway, so folks get get use out of it right away. Check it out at

My office-mate has already (correctly) pointed out that there's no reason for SiteListComponent to subclass CloneableTopComponent, as it's a singleton. Oops.

While I was at it, I added an explorer module to the cluster build harness. It was a rush job, but people have been asking for a while for some simple sample code that adds node-exploring capability to the bare platform. Right now, it's just got a hidden root node with children gathered from

Hopefully, all this will help some folks get their work done.

...and maybe the tutorial will turn out to be ipod-worthy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job, i'm going to check it out this evening!

Thanks, Rich!

Feng-Chia University
Taichung, Taiwan